Friday, July 22, 2011

Donut oh Doughnuts!

 I had some fun time testing out the doughnut recipe from Jamie Oliver's book which it turned out like crap!!
My first attempt making daughnuts was urrgghhhh! Tried making it using self raising flour (have told mom specifically to buy bread flour but she ended up buying cake flour.. duh.. how ironic.. 

Since it was super failed for me, I 
couldn't sleep that night thinking of my failed cakey-daughnut. Well, my second trial was even worst! Picture below was my second trial using superfine flour. It didn't rise well so I had to dump it into trash bin. What a waste!!

                This dough recipe really got me


But now, I have become an expert in making donuts. Mom's friend once asked me to make donuts again as she claimed mine was super fluffy! Success!!

In the making of 'donat oh donat' a.k.a doughnut oh doughnut


Using mug to make donut shaped, you know I'm cheap!
The dough will rise double after half an hour

almost there!!

 Yes! time to fry it!

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